Monday, April 28, 2008

Birthday, tee-ball, haircut, and a potty party!

Well, I was racking my brain trying to figure out what this post was going to be about, and I realized that even though my life is not always very exciting, we are an extremely busy family!

It all started last week Sunday (4-20) when we celebrated Madelyn's birthday. You have to realize that she's been talking about this day for about 364 days now! We celebrated at my parents house and invited Todd's parents to join us for a very special Sunday lunch. Madelyn requested appetizers (shrimp and deviled eggs) to be served before the meal. For the main course she wanted shish kabobs over rice, fried potato slices and green beans. For desert: a Barbie birthday cake! We had a great time. She was showered with gifts including a Hannah Montana purse, new flip flops, a tee-ball tee, American Girl Doll! She was thrilled! For the first few days of the week she wouldn't let it out of her sight except when she had to go to school. Even then, I received specific instructions about how to care for her while she was gone. She named her Olivia (which was Elliot's girl name if he was a girl). Oh, and she now calls me Grandma, because Olivia is her daughter making me a Grandmother!

We also started T-ball this week thru Zeeland Rec. We were both a little nervous for the first practice, but as we walked up to the field 2 of her friends from Kindergarten ran up to greet her! She really did great. She had 2 chances to bat and 2 hits! We were very proud of her.

Now onto Sophia. I do believe that after MANY "accidents" and dozens of loads of laundry, we are thru Potty training. She hasn't had an accident since last week! She even wakes up during the night to go. We are thrilled! That decreases the # of diapers I change daily by quite a few! Sorry, no embarassing potty pictures, just one of her trying to pose!

What's new with Eli this week? Well, I've wanted to have his haircut for some time, but he's so squirmy that I dreaded taking him in some where. So.....I cut it myself, with my Mom's help. I know what you're thinking and you're was a disaster!! From the front it looks somewhat normal, but it's not a pretty sight in the back. Hopefully it grows fast so that we can have it "fixed"!! OOPS! Sorry, Eli!

We also went from a gas-guzzling SUV this week to a very practical mini van. After having 3 children, this van more than anything else, makes me feel like a mom! (Or a Grandma as Madelyn would say).
One last thing. We had a great family night and lots of fun at Zeeland Christian Fun Night on Friday. We all played tons of games, the girls had their faces painted and we came home with some fun prizes....included a goldfish that Madelyn won! Sadly we lost Goldie this morning. I'm not sure if it was all the shaking she endured while in the plastic baggie we brought her home in that caused her lack of appetite, but the poor fish wouldn't eat a bite of the food we dropped in her bowl. We only knew you for a short time, but we'll miss you Goldie!


Anonymous said...

Wow Alison you are very busy! Happy Birthday Maddie, Great Job Sophia! Now we will have to start working on Sam (no interest) Eli's haircut does not look that bad! He looks so old...last time I saw him he was still a baby!

LJFredricks said...

Poor Goldie, you will be missed! Enjoy your final swim.

Debbi's Blog said...

Congrats on your "grandmother-hood"


Meeuwsens said...

Hey Alison! My dad said you turned into a mini van mom! I am sure its a lot better on gas! Our Yukon sucks it down. Great to see you have a blog! You have an adorable family. -Kelly

Julia Mary said...

Hey! I'm glad I found your blog too!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Maddie! Wow, all the kids are growing up! I wish I could come and visit you and everyone in Michigan more often!

Hopefully I'll see all of you soon! Love ya <3

Heidi said...

Alison... you have a blog, yea! Now I can finally keep up with you and your busy family! The kids are all getting so old, they're so cute! You know where you should have brought Eli for his haircut... I expect to see you guys for his next one :)