Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

2 days after Thanksgiving (this post is a little late!), we went to KC Trees with most of my family (We missed you Hayden family!) to cut down a Christmas tree. It's such a fun day. Normally there's atleast a foot of snow to stomp thru to try and choose a tree, but this year it was a beautiful, sunny day! A littl dissapointing for pictures, but great for trying to get 3 kids walking in 1 direction! We all started off by getting on the wagon and being driven to the part of the farm that we chose to get a tree from.

When we got off the wagon, the men grabbed saws and we all started our search for the perfect Christmas tree. We've learned from the past to carry tape measures with us! Sometimes our eyes are bigger than our ceilings.....TODD!!

After searching for 10 minutes or so, our family found our tree. It wasn't as big as some of our trees in the past, but it's still between 8-9 feet!

Out came the saw and this year Todd passed down the honor of tree cutting to Madelyn.....for a minute or two anyway!!

It's such a fun thing to do and I'm so glad that I get to share it with 2 of my sisters!

Every so often there would be a giant candy cane...that's where you had to drag your freshly cut tree so that when the wagon came back, they could pick them up all in 1 spot. Luckily no one tried licking the sweet treat!

Once we were done cutting the tree, they took us to the building where we got hot cider and donuts while they shook out our tree to get the dead needles off, drilled a hole in the trunk for our stand and wrapped it in twine for the ride home. This place is full service! This year they also offered a horse-drawn wagon ride thru the woods. The kids, moms, Grandpa and Grandma went for a ride while the Dad's "supervised" the trees.
When we got home, we got right to decorating! Madelyn handed the ornaments to the little kids while Sophia and Eli threw them at the tree to see if they would stick! They didn't We did suffer 3 ornament catasrophies, but all in all they did great! And we had a lot of fun....

Now we just have to make sure that the ornaments STAY on the tree!!


Meeuwsens said...

Hey Alison, where is that place? Looks fun! You can buy all the stuff for the candy molds at Michaels. They even have colored chocolates. I bought small paint brushes for the little details. But yeah, Michaels have everything you need. I even saw a kit there to get started with.

Rach said...

so cute. love the pic of Madelyn hanging an ornament!

Tripp said...

What a great family tradition!