Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A look back at September

I can't believe that September is already over! This summer flew by! We're pretty settled into the house now, although there are many projects still unfinished. I guess that's always the case with an old house! I haven't updated recently so thought I'd finally sit down and get everyone caught up with what's going on in our family.
Madelyn has already completed her first month of second grade! She has Maestra Varela (and Maestra Huizenga has been helping in her class too). She loves them both! I can't believe how she's maturing this year already. She's reading very well in Spanish and in English. I was helping her with some math homework last night (her favorite subject.....she definitely didn't get that from me!), and she was muttering through the numbers under her Spanish! It's such an incredible learning experience. If anyone is interested in Spanish Immersion for their kids, PLEASE talk to me, it's awesome! Here's a few pictures of her on her first day of school.

Now that Madelyn is back in school everyday, Sophia and I are spending a lot of time together, especially when Eli naps. I feel like I give my kids pretty equal attention, but there's something about being one on one with each of them that's so special. Her true personality really comes out. She's truly a joy to be around. (Most of the time!!) One of her favorite things to do is to help me in the kitchen. She loves to cook and bake with me. We often make cookies together, although after a few licks of the beaters, she doesn't want anymore cookie dough. (She did not get that from me!)

Well, what can I say about Eli? He's ALL boy! Other than his shoe fetish! (Sorry, Todd but it's true! The kid loves shoes! And maybe he did inherit that trait from me..) He also loves to be outside. It seems like everytime I turn around he's scrubbing the toilet (and the bathroom walls) with the toilet brush, is running around in circles for no reason, or is playing in the dryer. What can I say, he's a character. I'm seeing the difference between having boys and girls. He's so much more laid back!

All in all, we had a great September. We are finally back into a routine after the lazy days of summer. Maddie is riding the bus which comes right to our road. I can see her get on and off from the front porch, although I usually drive or walk with her to drop her off and pick her up.
There's not too much going on with me. I'm enjoying being at home with the kids. I just started Bible Study again a few weeks ago and have a group of great, insightful women! But that's about it. And Todd....well Todd has started us on a new adventure! He quit his job of about 15 years a few weeks ago and we are now buying greenhouses! I know slightly different than the construction world, but we prayed a long time for an opportunity to come up and we really feel like this is the door that God opened for us! We're praying that He sees us through this change and I know He will!
That's all for right now....maybe I'll update again in November!! :) KIDDING!


LJFredricks said...

FINALLY! Just kidding!I love the picture of Eli in the dryer! Too cute!

CharityVL said...

YAY! You posted! I bet Todd would be proud that Maddie's wearing camo in her pictures. Lydia loves having Spanish several times a week in kindergarten - Maddie can come tutor her!

The Rotman's said...

Darling pics. We have to get together. Maybe it'll be easier now that summer's over and all is slowing down some. The kids would have a blast together. Plus, we can't wait to see the house all complete!

Anonymous said...

I guess I could say something about being happy to see a new post but it looks like that would be redundant so I won't! :) Just so you know Sam has a shoe fettish too but is still all boy so I am sure they will grow out of it or supress it or something!

Tripp said...

That made me laugh about Eli scrubbing the walls with the toilet brush :) Sounds like something that would happen in my house.

Jen said...

Great new pictures! Your kids are just too cute. It's great that your oldest is liking the Spanish immersion. I am interested in that once Mya's a little older, I'll have to talk to you more about that sometime.

The Stewart Family said...

I am so glad you found my blog! Peyton and I had so much fun! It was so wonderful to catch up with you too! Have you a beautiful family! God Bless!