Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Workout Wednesday

Here we are again. It's been such a busy week for me, I'm not even sure where to start. I guess I'll start with how I did on my goals from last week:

- I have been more active with the kids, although we haven't really done any activities. Just basic playing outside! But it's better than watching videos and being stuck inside! I will admit there was one day that I got a great workout by cleaning my house from top to bottom, BUT the kids did watch a little TV so I could get something done! Also, I've been hired to paint someone's upstairs, so I've been busy the last 2 days doing that. (I'd like to start a side business if anyone wants any painting done!) Something VERY minimal right now, but that would grow once the kids are in school

- I skipped a workout this week! I just couldn't get myself out of bed! So instead of my 6 workouts in a week it was 5 last week. Still a good week, but not what I had set for myself.

- I have not had one sugary snack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am however a little crabby. Chocolate does make me very happy!! A little lazy, but happy! I didn't even sneak a handful of M&M's while cleaning my Dad's office. He keeps some in his office for the Grandkids, but I do indulge myself once in awhile, but not this week!! That's a huge step for me!

My workouts, other than having skipped one, are going ok. There's one excersize that I HATE doing and usually only do 1/2 of what I'm supposed to. Any of you who want to try it, here's what it is: You need an excersize ball: Lay on your back on the floor with your arms out to the side and palms up. Put your feet on the ball using your core to ballance. Now lift your pelvis off the ground. Not too hard, right? Now, pull your feet in toward your bottom lifting your pelvis up. Now SLOWLY put your feet back out straight. Repeat, 12 times for 1 set. Do 3 sets total. YIKES!

Other than being a slave to the scale, I had a pretty good week. I haven't really lost much yet and my clothes don't seem to fit any differently, but hey, I'm doing this for good health and not my outward appearance, right? Yeah right. So that's been a little discouraging, but I'll keep plugging away!

My goals for this week are:

- Continue to be active with the kids.
- Don't look at the all!!!!!
- I'd like to get rid of my no sugar goal from last week, but only because there's a container of chocolate frosting in the fridge, begging to be eaten! So for my own accountability, I'll keep that as one of my goals. NO SUGARY SNACKS!!!

I'll try to post something a little more interesting later in the week, so stay tuned!


LJFredricks said...

way to go Alison~ You are doing so much for yourself and your family. You should feel really good about what you are doing

Anonymous said...

Alison, you are doing a great job! The exercise alone is worth the effort. Remember that changing habits take time! Keep at it!

RVL said...

Stay strong! Great job. IT takes awhile to get in shape...then it will be easier. Dad

the reverend said...

hey Alison- i check your blog every once in a while and wanted to comment about the no sugar thing. I gave up ALL sugar for lent and it totally changed my life! i love chocolate SOO much and tend to eat it emotionally blah blah blah, it's what girls do i guess! however, i gave it up for 40 days, and after the withdraw and crabbiness subsided, i was amazed by how much better i felt. if you can get thru the withdraw you might be very pleasantly surprised--it's totally worth the effort and pain :)

Rach said...

Way to go Alison! I can't believe you went that long without sugary snacks! You are awesome....I don't know if I could give them up completely....but the moderation thing is definitely going better for me.

EVL said...

Keep up the GOOD work.

The Rotman's said...

I'm always up for a walk if you ever feel like it. Keep up the good work.