Friday, May 15, 2009


Here we sister Lisa started "workout Wednesdays" on her blog a few weeks ago. Although I did start exercising, I haven't done the blog part. Here's what you have to do. Blog about 3 of your goals for the coming week and 3 of your failures in the previous week when it come to diet and excersize. YIKES!!! Only 3?? You can comment on my goals or failures if you want to. You know," Great job, keep it up" or " Seriously, what were you thinking? You can do this, now get your butt in gear!!" Anything that will help me stay on track!

Since Lisa started Workout Wednesdays, I joined a gym. I know, I know! Yes, I, Alison Elders joined a gym!!!! I've been working out 6 times a week. I get up at 5:30 and I'm at the gym at 6:00 for a 1 hour workout. I've met with a trainer twice and have a pretty good routine nailed down. I'll meet with her once a month to make the workouts progressivly harder.....EEEEKK!!

With that being said, here are my failures this past week:

1. I skipped the gym 2 days in a row this week!! When I worked out this morning even the other gym members noticed! "Nice to have you back in the gym....didn't know if we'd see you again!" There's accountability right there!!

2. Although I've been pretty committed to my workouts, I seem to make up for that by eating!! I am frustrated that I haven't lost much weight, but just the other day I sat down in front of the TV with a spoon and a container of sprinkles!!! That's all that I had in the house that was sweet. I ate the whole thing!!! Not my proudest moment.

3. I have this strange logic: I worked out this morning, so that means I shouldn't have to move for the rest of the day!!! I "lounged" a little too much this week!!

Now for my goals:

1. Make it to the gym 6 times and push myself as hard as I can for that one hour!! Don't slack on that last rep, push thru the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Set an activity each day for myself so that I'm not just sitting! I need to do this for myself and my kids! They need to be active too!

3. No sweets this week!! I have a tendancy to cut out sugar for a day and then binge eat until the thought of something sweet makes me sick to my stomach!! I'm going to try for this week not to eat candy, ice cream, etc. You know, the things that have become my constant companion for the past few years! I'm going to try and put down the sprinkles and pick up something that will actually do my body some good!

So, there you have it. Those are my goals for the week. I'm hoping that posting them for all the world to see will make me work hard to realize them!! Thanks for the accountability!!!


Anonymous said...

Posting them should help because you know that we are out there encouraging you! I am proud of you for getting this posted. I know that you can do it!

aelders said...

Thanks Michelle! I hope you're right. So far I've been seriously tempted by a can of chocolate frosting, but reached for a pita and hummus instead! wheaew!!!!

RVL said...

Do this for six months and it becomes a life pattern and does get easier! Proud of you. Love Dad

Anonymous said...

As much as I don't like to do it...I agree with dad! (Just Kidding Dad) It gets easier by far is you stick to it for awile. Your body goes through a detox process so that after awhile sugar does not even sound good any more!

Lindsey said...

You go girl!!! You know you have always inspired me ( you awesome mom you) and now you do it again with this! I know youvcan do this Al! I'm cheering you on all the way!!

Rach said...

Go Alison! 5:30 in the morning? You are officially crazy dedicated! I wouldn't DREAM of waking my lifeless body at that time in the morning. Do like Michelle...and now me...and throw the stupid scale away! It's useless & discouraging. I gained 5-6 pounds & I run anywhere from 3-6 miles everyday....ME, the non-runner couch potato. But I feel great! I feel even better when I eat healthier. I understand the sugar....I've been trying to phase it down to reasonable amounts day by day. I am exactly like you & I have "good" non sugar days...& then become psycho sugar lady the next. And ALWAYS reach for hummus...because hummus is ALWAYS yummus!! But seriously, way to go, keep up the great work! Maybe I should start blogging about my WW instead of leaving book long comments in all my cousins' blogs....