Thursday, May 28, 2009

Workout Wednesday.....sigh

I really thought about skipping this weeks post, but in all fairness to those of you who are following along and actually interacting in workout Wednesday, I am posting. You're welcome.

Where do I begin? It was a crazy, holiday weekend so I was already tired and may have skipped 1 or 2 days of working out. Also, I love to eat. Yup, I do. I can be having the best day and then, 3:00 rolls around. What is it about 3:00? My body says: "Chocolate!" "Salty Snacks!" It's downhill from there until bedtime! I've also been VERY discouraged lately because I am not noticing ANY DIFFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR. I haven't weiged myself which is one of my goals for the week, but it doesn't matter. My body isn't changing. With that being said, I lack the motivation to continue on as diligently as I started.

I guess my goals for the week are:

- Go to the gym 5-6 times this week
- go to bed by 10:30 so I'm not so stinking tired at 5:30 when the alarm goes off.
- Give it to God!! Whether I'm doing this for outward appearance or a healthier me, I can't do it without Him.

So that's all for me today. I hope you all are doing better that I am!


Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged! I know that sounds like an easy thing to say but I have been struggling with this issue longer than you and if you let discouragement rule then you will never reach your goal. You are a driven young woman and I know that every step in the right direction could add years to your life and quality to your years! I love you just the way you are and I always will regardless of weight. You can do this!

Rach said...

Don't be discouraged!!! The fact that you actually wake yourself at 5:30am in AMAZING. Food is awesome & eating yummy food is even better. I am still so discouraged that I won't even post a WW! Not only have I gained weight, but my jeans are tighter....sweet. And I'm running almost 5 miles a day now. I haven't even been pigging out. I don't get it. Stay the course & think about health...not weight. Thanks for posting, you're keeping me motivated.

Anonymous said...

I ate an ice cream drumstick during my kids naptime. I had done so well prior to that. Wham 3:00 hits and I'm unable to say no!